
Platform for recognizing and livestreaming chess games

ML development, sports digitization, AI development, machine learning, computer vision, idChess, chess


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  • idChess is Friflex's flagship project in the field of sports digitization

    At Friflex we love chess. Our CEO Petr Chernyshev is a CMS in chess and the author of textbooks for primary and secondary schools Chess in School. Since 2018, we have been running FinChess, gathering clients and partners at the chessboard.

    In 2019, we developed idChess, a unique project that has become our flagship project in the field of digitization of sports. In 2019, at the Web Summit conference in Lisbon, we presented idChess for the first time.

    idChess at the Web Summit in Lisbon, 2019

    idChess at the Web Summit in Lisbon, 2019

  • Task

    Replace an expensive solution

    idChess was created by amateur chess players for chess players all over the world. It helps children, parents, and tournament organizers.

    Prior to the idChess project, special electronic chess boards with chips were used to broadcast the game to screens during tournaments. Thanks to them, you can track every move and display the games on the screen or online. Such boards are very expensive (from 40 thousand rubles), difficult to use and install. That is why our CEO Petr Chernyshev decided to create an AI-based solution that will be able to recognize and digitize what is happening on the board.

  • Implementation

    Neural network training

    idChess is not just an app. The core of idChess product is a function for recognizing chess games.

    Neural network training


    We have come up with the first solution that recognizes chess games from the stream

    – Petr Chernyshev's great interview with RusBase.

    idChess is based on a unique development. We use Machine learning technologies (neural networks, computer vision) for online conversion of games in a video stream into chess notation. The application implements several convolutional neural networks (determining shapes, hands, making a move and colors) edge detection algorithms, tracking, rule validation, an analytical engine and a decision-making module.

    • idChess is not just an app. The core of idChess product is a function for recognizing chess games.
    • idChess is not just an app. The core of idChess product is a function for recognizing chess games.
  • What can idChess do?

    Recognize, record, share chess games
    • 1.

      Digitization and recognition of chess games played on a real board.

    • 2.

      Live streaming of one board games and tournaments.

    • 3.

      Instant viewing of recorded games.

    • 4.

      Reading downloaded PGN files.

    • 5.

      The ability to share digitized / downloaded games in PGN, GIF format or a direct link to the game in the web version of the app player.

    • 6.

      Analysis of games using the Stockfish built-in chess engine.

    • 7.

      Displaying a selection of games of famous chess players.

    What can idChess do?
    What can idChess do?
  • idChess set

    With idChess, we came up with a comprehensive solution - the idChess Premium suite. It includes a certificate for unlimited use of the idChess app for a year, as well as a tripod holder that securely fixes the smartphone above the board.

    idChess set

    You can purchase idChess on OZON

    Buy idChess
  • Arkadiy

    FIDE President

  • idChess Awards

    Only the first ones
    Bispo Awards

    In 2019 idChess became the winner of the CSTSC (Continental Sport Tech Startup Challenge) sports and technology startup competition as part of the Bispo Awards.

    Skolkovo Tech Accelerator

    The first winner of the AI competition for Sustainable Development Goals (as part of the Skolkovo Tech Accelerator).


    Laureate of the EdCrunch educational start-up competition.

    Petr Chernyshev, CEO of Friflex, at the Bispo Awards 2019

    Petr Chernyshev, CEO of Friflex, at the Bispo Awards 2019

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