IT Audit
Check and help to fix
Start the projectWe will analyze and evaluate your IT product, show you what is good and what is worth fixing
What is it
We thoroughly analyze an IT product: from UI / UX design to the stability of a software solution under various stress factors. With the help of our report with a list of recommendations, you can fix the weaknesses of your project and improve the strengths.
What we do
We conduct a full analysis of your product, identify problems, risks, and offer improvements at all stages of development.
Getting started
We sign the NDA with you. We introduce analysts into your project.
We identify faulty functionality, visual problems in operation, analyze risks and vulnerabilities, check.
Summing up the results
We compile a report in which we propose a strategy for improving and optimizing the operation of the product.
Informative report on your IT product (50 to 250 pages) with a list of recommendations, including necessary improvements.
Check and help to fix
Start the projectPortfolio
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